If you have a vitamin A deficiency, you will develop nyctalopia or night blindness. 如果你缺少维生素A,你可能会形成夜盲症。
Any of several fat-soluble vitamins essential for normal vision; prevents night blindness or inflammation or dryness of the eyes. 几种脂溶性维生素,为维持正常视力所必需;防止夜盲症或炎症、眼睛发干。
Folliculitis-like "bumps" on skin, night blindness, sideways glancing, poor eye contact. 毛囊炎(皮肤上的小乳突),夜盲症,斜视,无眼神接触。
Night blindness is most likely caused by vision problems. 夜盲很有可能由视觉问题所引起。
"All the countries and regions carrying out education reforms will meet with the same problem, But will probably overlook it." Night blindness is most likely caused by vision problems. 这方面的问题也是在所有改革的国家和地区当中所会出现,也最容易被略过的盲点。夜盲很有可能由视觉问题所引起。
White tea also contains vitamin A former, it is absorbed by the body, it can quickly converted into vitamin A, can prevent night blindness and dry eye. 白茶中还含有丰富的维生素A原,它被人体吸收后,能迅速转化为维生素A,可预防夜盲症与干眼病。
Essential night blindness: Report of one pedigree 原发性夜盲:一个中国家系的遗传报告
Objective: To detect gene mutations associated with autosomal dominant congenital stationary night blindness ( ADCSNB) in a large Chinese family. 目的:检测中国一常染色体显性先天性静止性夜盲(ADCSNB)大家系相关基因的致病性突变位点及此病临床表型特征。
Analysis of Full-Field Photopic Electroretinograms in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Congenital Stationary Night Blindness 显性遗传先天性静止性夜盲全视野明视ERG的分析
【 Results 】 Incidence of xerophthalmia and Night blindness with children are 0.1%. 【结果】儿童结膜干燥和夜盲率均为0.1%。
A rat with retinal hereditary disease similar to congenital stationary night blindness patient's ERG 类似先天性静止性夜盲症视觉电生理异常大鼠1例
Six cases of night blindness and two cases of xerophthalmia were detected from them, with prevalence of clinical VAD of 0.96%. 2岁以上儿童836人,发现儿童夜盲症6例,结膜干燥症2例,儿童临床VAD患病率为096%。
Basic physiological and biochemical data in model rats of congenital stationary night blindness 先天性静止性夜盲模式大鼠基础生理值的测定
The radiation mechanism, formulation composition, properties test and the disturbance on night vision equipment with strong flash blindness ammunition are studied. 研究了强光致盲弹药的辐射机理、配方组成、性能测试和对夜视探测器材的干扰情况。